A Combination Of A Rail Fence Cipher And Merkle Hellman Algorithm For Digital Image Security


  • Irwansyah STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Achmad Fauzi STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Siswan Syahputra STMIK KAPUTAMA




Combination, Cipher, Algorithm, Image Security


Image is a combination of planes, points, lines and colors to create a physical or human object. Images can be in the form of 2-dimensional images, such as photographs and paintings. 3-dimensional image like a statue. The use of image media information has several weaknesses, one of which is the ease with which it can be manipulated by certain parties with the help of increasingly developing technology. In this study, the Rail Fence Cipher and Merkle Hellman methods were applied which aimed to obtain a stronger cipher by utilizing two key levels where an asymmetric algorithm was used to protect the symmetric key. The asymmetric algorithm used is Merkle Hellman and the symmetrical algorithm used is Rail Fence Cipher. The results of this study indicate that applying the Rail Fence Cipher and Merkle Hellman algorithms can secure image files and secure keys for data integrity. Encryption and description processing time is affected by the size and resolution of the image file.


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How to Cite

Irwansyah, Achmad Fauzi, & Siswan Syahputra. (2023). A Combination Of A Rail Fence Cipher And Merkle Hellman Algorithm For Digital Image Security. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Applications (JAIEA), 2(3), 135–143. https://doi.org/10.59934/jaiea.v2i3.212


