Diagnosis of Herpes Zoster Using Bayes Theorem Method


  • Kellyn Frisca Prastiwi STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Novriyenni STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Husnul Khair STMIK KAPUTAMA




Expert systems, Disease, Herpes Zoster, Bayes Theorem


Expert Systems is one branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that makes widespread use of knowledge or knowledge specifically for solving expert human-level problems. Kartini Clinic has several health workers such as nurses, midwives to doctors who are ready to serve people who suffer from various diseases, one of which is Herpers Zoster disease. Shingles is an acute inflammation of the skin usually characterized by the appearance of red bubbles like small blisters that cluster on the surface of the skin and watery and accompanied by itching and heat. This disease will appear more if there is irritation, wounds or abrasions and a long healing process. Bayes' theorem is a mathematical equation used in probability and statistics to calculate conditional probabilities.


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How to Cite

Frisca Prastiwi, K., Novriyenni, & Khair, H. (2023). Diagnosis of Herpes Zoster Using Bayes Theorem Method. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Applications (JAIEA), 3(1), 61–69. https://doi.org/10.59934/jaiea.v3i1.259