Web-Based Tuition Payments Information System At Al-Wafi Kindergarten
Information Systems, Tuition Payments, PHP.Abstract
The tuition payment system at AL-WAFI Kindergarten is still done manually, that is, recording is done using a tuition payment notebook. Which can cause errors in recording SPP payment data or mistakes in calculating SPP payments, the process of recording and making SPP payment reports takes a long time. Several other problems were also found that were often complained about, namely the difficulty of collecting separate SPP payment data in several financial books. This slows down the payment process, recording and reporting payments. This causes the process related to SPP payments to not run optimally. To overcome all the problems above, the author proposes to design and build supporting applications such as database systems so that processing of tuition payments is more effective and efficient, and can also simplify operational activities in schools. This system was designed and built using the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) programming language and MYSQL as the database.
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