Image Processing for Freshness Identification Tilapia Using Backpropagation Algorithm (Case Study: Binjai City Food Security and Agriculture Office)
Image Processing, Freshness of tilapia,BackpropagationAbstract
Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a type of fish that comes from rivers and lakes that connect the river. Tilapia was imported to Indonesia officially by the Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute in 1969, Tilapia fish breeds in Indonesia come from Taiwan as for the dark color with vertical stripes as many as 6-8 pieces and the Philippines which is red. The problems faced today related to testing the level of freshness still use conventional methods, namely by only seeing and sorting fish by sight or sight only. This can certainly cause errors in choosing fish for ordinary people or who do not have expertise in choosing fresh fish. For this reason, a system is needed that can identify the freshness of tilapia using digital image management. Many methods are used in identifying an image, one of which is used by using the Backpropagation method.
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