Quality Analysis of SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja Website using Eye Tracking Method
Analysis, Eye Tracking, Website Quality, User Satisfaction, Usability, Website.Abstract
The role of websites in academic management and enhancing the reputation of a company or institution is very important. The quality of website services also has a crucial role in the world of education. Based on the results of interviews with the person in charge of the SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja website, it was found that there were problems, namely the satisfaction of website users was not yet known and there were several pages that were not responsive, such as in the homepage/home area, which needed to be improved or optimized. This research involves a number of respondents who will give their views on the SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja website. The analysis results obtained from this research are expected to provide a clear understanding of the extent to which this website meets the quality standards set by the Eye Tracking method. In addition, the analysis results will also provide a detailed evaluation of each aspect of the website's quality. In this research, the Eye Tracking method is used to measure where users look, how long they look, and the order in which they look. There are aspects of usability measurement, namely efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction. SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja website users are the respondents of this research. The results of usability testing with the USE Questionier method with a feasibility percentage of 84.17% with a very feasible category which means the website is very feasible for users. The results of usability testing with the eye-tracking method that each task is well received by users, but the effectiveness of delivering information reaches a score of 73.14, this score is classified as quite effective
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