Optimization of Kampung Chicken Seedling Production Using the Monte Carlo Method (Case Study on Hacci Farm)


  • Inna Muthmainnah Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Alfina Richi Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Ichwanul Muslim Karo karo Universitas Negeri Medan




Monte Carlo Method, Free-range Chicken Hatchery, Hacci Farm, Optimize, Resource Planning


This research aims to optimize free-range chicken hatchery production at Hacci Farm using the Monte Carlo method, which is known for its ability to overcome uncertainty and variability in production. The data in this research uses chicken seed production data in 2022 and 2023 which is then used as input in the Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation results reveal that the Monte Carlo method provides more accurate predictions regarding free-range chicken seed production. Through this simulation, Hacci Farm can predict the amount of free-range chicken hatchery production in the future and can prepare more effective strategic steps in hatchery management to increase operational efficiency, reduce risks, and maximize free-range chicken production results. The results of implementing the Monte Carlo method show quite high accuracy, namely 98.7% in 2022 and 97.95% in 2023, this can help in planning and managing resources optimally. It is hoped that the use of this method can make a significant contribution in increasing the quality and quantity of free-range chicken production at Hacci Farm, as well as providing a model that can be adopted by other farms for similar purposes.


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How to Cite

Inna Muthmainnah, Alfina Richi, & Ichwanul Muslim Karo karo. (2024). Optimization of Kampung Chicken Seedling Production Using the Monte Carlo Method (Case Study on Hacci Farm). Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Applications (JAIEA), 3(3), 852–857. https://doi.org/10.59934/jaiea.v3i3.526


