Designing UI/UX for Mobile Learning on Programming Language Material Using the Design Thinking
Design Development, UI/UX, Learning Management System, Design ThinkingAbstract
The rapid advancement of technology in the Industry 4.0 revolution has driven organizations to adapt through digital transformation, including in the field of education, allowing for more efficient and effective learning processes in line with the needs of society5.0. This article discusses the UI/UX design of a mobile learning application for programming language material using the Design Thinking method, which includes five stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Testing, with a focus on user understanding and needs. The design process involves creating prototypes and testing to ensure a user-friendly design. The main features of the application include a splash screen, welcome page, login and sign-up pages, home page, material pages, notes, user profile, and an Executor feature for writing and running code directly. Testing results using the System Usability Scale (SUS) showed an average score of 65, falling into the "adequate" category, indicating that the design functions well. However, further research is needed to refine this application, highlighting the importance of a structured and user-focused approach in designing digital educational applications.
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