Analysis of Two Translation Applications : Why is DeepL Translate more accurate than Google Translate?


  • Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua Universitas Nias
  • Angelin Marpaung Universitas Nias
  • Ceria Putri Damai Gulo Universitas Nias
  • Dodi Kardo Wijaya Waruwu Universitas Nias
  • Erika Zalukhu Universitas Nias
  • Novita Purnawirati Zai Universitas Nias



DeepL Translate, Google Translate, Machine Translation, Translation accuracy


DeepL Translate and Google Translate are two leading machine translation tools. The focus of this research is to analyze the accuracy of translation results provided by DeepL Translation and Google Translation specifically in translating English to Indonesian. This research used a qualitative approach of document analysis and interviews. The advanced neural machine translation technology of DeepL, by utilizing extensive data, enables it to recognize language nuances and provide contextually accurate translations. In contrast, Google Translate, despite having grown to be supported by hundreds of languages, often struggles with complex sentences and idiomatic expressions. DeepL's accuracy and natural-sounding translations make it a top choice for professional and detailed translations. The study concludes that DeepL's focus on quality and accuracy, rather than the breadth of language support, makes it a more reliable translation tool.


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How to Cite

Telaumbanua, Y. A., Marpaung, A., Gulo, C. P. D., Waruwu, D. K. W., Zalukhu, E., & Zai, N. P. (2024). Analysis of Two Translation Applications : Why is DeepL Translate more accurate than Google Translate?. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Applications (JAIEA), 4(1), 82–86.