The Application of Fuzzy Time Series Method for Web-Based Prediction of Household Chemical Product Sales Stock
Fuzzy Time Series, Prediction, Household Chemical Products, Sales, Web-BasedAbstract
The seasonal and trend factors of the market demand greatly influence the sales of household chemical products. Therefore, PT. XYZ company requires an accurate sales prediction system to optimize production and inventory. This research aims to develop a web-based sales prediction system for household chemical products using fuzzy time series method. This method considers the factors that influence sales and generates a prediction model that can assist the company in decision-making. This method allows the use of uncertain and unstructured variables in the prediction. The research collected historical sales data of household chemical products from January to December 2023 through interviews, observations, and literature studies. The system was designed using a structured approach and PHP programming language. The Fuzzy Time Series method was used for decision-making. The accuracy of the Fuzzy Time Series method for sales data from January to December 2020 was calculated through program simulation and manual methods, resulting in an accuracy rate of 13.71%. The application provides information on the sales of each product, with the hope that users can reduce the accumulation of stock every month.
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