Application of the KARP RABIN Algorithm for Plagiarism Detection System in Thesis Proposal Submission in the Department of Informatics Engineering STMIK Kaputama


  • Ruth Rani Simanjuntak STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Zira Fatmaira STMIK KAPUTAMA



rabin-karp algorithm, plagiarism, OCR, rolling hash


Plagiarism is a serious threat, especially to academic honesty, so a detection system that can analyze various types of documents is needed. This research develops a plagiarism detection system using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to convert image text into digital text. Rabin – Karp algorithm with rolling hash and Dice Coefficient Similarity is applied to measure similarities between documents. Testing is carried out on .doc, .txt, .jpg files. As a result, the system can detect plagiarism well in clear text and image documents, but accuracy can decrease in low-quality images. In conclusion, the similarity of content, sentence structure, and format affects the degree of similarity, while OCR techniques work effectively even though they are limited to low-quality images.


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How to Cite

Simanjuntak, R. R., Pardede, A. M. H., & Zira Fatmaira. (2024). Application of the KARP RABIN Algorithm for Plagiarism Detection System in Thesis Proposal Submission in the Department of Informatics Engineering STMIK Kaputama. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Applications (JAIEA), 4(1), 396–403.