Improving the Quality of Digital Images on Identity Cards Using Contrast Stretching and Retinex Methods


  • Nur Salsabilla STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Achmad Fauzi STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • I Gusti Prahmana STMIK KAPUTAMA



Identity Card, Contrast_Stretching, Retinex, Image_Processing, Image_Quality Enhancemen


Enhancing the image quality of the Indonesian Identity Card is crucial to ensure the clarity and accuracy of information in various applications, such as identity verification, administration, and security. This study aims to improve the digital image quality of Identity Card using the Contrast Stretching and Retinex methods. Contrast Stretching is employed to enhance image contrast, while the Retinex method is used to maintain and improve the clarity of colors and image details. The implementation of these methods is carried out using Python. The test results show that these methods are effective in improving the quality of Identity Card images, making the information on the images clearer and easier to read. This research contributes to the development of more advanced image processing technology, which can be applied to various verification and administrative needs that require high reliability.


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How to Cite

Salsabilla, N., Achmad Fauzi, & I Gusti Prahmana. (2024). Improving the Quality of Digital Images on Identity Cards Using Contrast Stretching and Retinex Methods. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Applications (JAIEA), 4(1), 404–410.