Design and Build Temperature and Humidity Control Equipment in IoT-Based Rice Storage


  • Windy Alfira Windy STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Relita Buaton STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Marto Sihombing STMIK KAPUTAMA



Temperature, Humadity, Rice, Storage, IoT, Blynk, ESP8266, DHT22, Notification


This research aims to design and build a temperature and humidity control device in an Internet of Things (IoT)-based rice storage bin using the Blynk platform, ESP8266 module, DHT22 sensor, buzzer, 2-channel relay, fan, and lamp. The quality of rice is greatly affected by the conditions of the storage environment, especially temperature and humidity. Therefore, a system is needed that is able to monitor and control these two parameters in real-time to maintain the quality of rice during storage. The system is designed to use a DHT22 sensor to detect temperature and humidity, and then the data is sent to a ESP8266 microcontroller. A 2-channel relay sets the fan and lights to adjust the temperature and humidity, while the buzzer serves as a warning alarm. In addition, the system is equipped with an automatic notification feature through the Blynk application that informs users if the temperature or humidity exceeds a predetermined limit.


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How to Cite

Windy, W. A., Buaton, R., & Sihombing, M. (2024). Design and Build Temperature and Humidity Control Equipment in IoT-Based Rice Storage. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Applications (JAIEA), 4(1), 419–426.