Image Processing in Improving the Scan Results of Identity Cards and Family Cards with Noise with the Median Filtering Method


  • Fitria Sholawati STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Novriyenni STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Marto Sihombing STMIK KAPUTAMA



Digital Images, Median Filtering, Identity Cards and Family Cards, Image Enhancement


In the digital era, identity documents such as Identity Cards and Family Cards play a crucial role in administration and public services. The process of scanning these documents often results in images with noise that can interfere with data accuracy and identification. This research aims to improve the quality of scanned images by using the median filtering method to reduce salt and pepper noise. Median Filtering was chosen for its ability to preserve edges and details in images, which is crucial for identity documents such as Identity Cards and Family Cards. In this study, the system developed to enhance scanned images was implemented and tested. Evaluation results show that the Median Filtering method is effective in removing noise without damaging the edges and fine details of the images. The evaluation indicates that this system is effective in producing images that meet the quality standards required for official administration and identification. This research is expected to contribute to the development of digital image enhancement technology for identity documents, thus improving accuracy and reliability in public services.


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How to Cite

Sholawati, F., Novriyenni, & Sihombing, M. (2024). Image Processing in Improving the Scan Results of Identity Cards and Family Cards with Noise with the Median Filtering Method. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Applications (JAIEA), 4(1), 509–514.