Classification of Tile Productivity Data Based on Tile Type Using Random Forest Algorithm in Langkat Regency


  • Muhammad Arif Ridho STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Relita Buaton STMIK KAPUTAMA
  • Muammar Khadapi STMIK KAPUTAMA



Keywords: Random Forest, Classification, Cropping, Matlab


This study aims to classify data on the productivity of census in Langkat Regency based on the type of census by using the Random Forest algorithm. Ubinan is a method used to measure the productivity of food crops, and in this study, the data was processed with various variables such as planting area, type of fertilizer, type of pesticide, and production volume. The Random Forest algorithm was used to build a classification model that could predict the productivity of the tares with very high accuracy, reaching 99.58% in the training stage. The model categorizes the productivity of the samples into several levels, namely Very Low, Low, Medium, High, and Very High. The implementation of this system is also equipped with a MATLAB GUI interface, which makes it easier for users to train and test data efficiently. With this system, users can see the prediction results through intuitive visualization. This research is expected to help farmers and policy makers in improving agricultural productivity through data-based analysis.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Arif Ridho, Buaton, R., & Muammar Khadapi. (2024). Classification of Tile Productivity Data Based on Tile Type Using Random Forest Algorithm in Langkat Regency. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Applications (JAIEA), 4(1), 515–524.